The FoodFellas recognises that allergens including gluten, dairy products, nuts and seeds are becoming a major problem, with an increased number of people affected each year.
We have adopted a strategy to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to protect susceptible consumers from exposure to such allergens or their derivatives, based on Good Manufacturing Practices within our approved supplier base.
Wherever possible, the use of allergens shall be avoided in product development by all suppliers.
Products shall carry accurate and unambiguous labelling and product information to warn affected consumers, where some cross contamination or use is unavoidable.
The HACCP shall specifically identify the presence of allergens, whether in products themselves or handled in the factory environment where they are produced.
The FoodFellas continues to recognise consumer concerns over the use of GM foods.
As such, we have adopted the following policy on the use of GM foods in any of our products:
• Only Identity Preserved (IP) soya and maize may be used as ingredients in our products
• Suppliers are required to provide evidence that any ingredients in any products supplied have been obtained from IP sources
• Evidence shall be in the form of documented assurances, traceability and audits, where appropriate
• Traceability shall be established in the supply of foods to prove that the food that is supplied is GM free.